A fall.
A mothers torment. A mothers tears. It was a hard day on Bridget. A hard day on Cyle. And an even rougher night, waiting till morning to be casted, for all of them. But look at this smile...

A little boy with big dreams. Thank you Roxi for the adorable shirt!!
Dr B. is recommending Bridget and Cyle to Shriners Hospital in Montreal, Canada. He calls Montreal, the brittle bone capital, since so many doctors who specialize in the disease are there. The sooner the better.
Dr. B. says Cayden's bone density is not good now and with fractures and immobilizing the leg, it will only get worse. He wants to do a skin biopsy as well before they go the Canada. A decision needs to be made as to if he should be put under or have it done locally. Another tough decision for his mom and dad. Although they have already had a negative test result from a geneticist, Dr. B. feels there is need to redo testing. Blood work was drawn March 3rd, for EDS as well. He feels the Shriner Hospital will be able to test for all spectrums of the disease.
Please say a prayer for this little grandson of mine. He is so very precious, he is so very loved, and he means the world to his parents, meme, papa, grandma Brenda and grandpa Curt! Everyone who knows him... LOVES HIM!
Did I mention I love Dr. B. Cleveland Clinics very own Dr. Tracy Ballock, such a gentle man. Pediatric Orthopedic Doctor. From day one...
to now, Dr. Ballock has shown such care and concern for my baby girl Bridget. From his pat on her back at office visits, telling her she is doing great with Cayden, right to his taking time to calm her on the phone yesterday, reassuring her, telling her it will be ok. They, we, CAYDEN, is so lucky to be in such good hands! The luck of the IRISH! Happy St. Patrick's Day!