Someone was happy to be going for a walk around the neighborhood! Clapping~
The day took a turn and a storm came in and we just snuggled and played inside on the floor all afternoon! A kiss here...

She thinks I am crazy... just like Sarah Rose does!!
When Mommy and Daddy got home we got ready to go to Tegan's softball game. REALLY? We didn't believe him when he called and said the rain moved through and they were going to play. It was his last game of the season and if they won, next season they would get to play for FREE! Dramma came over and we took off for the field. Just look at the sky.. and the empty stands!

We see they are losing by about 7 runs in the 2nd inning when we arrive. Dramma says, "No worries, this is how Tegan's team rolls. They will come from behind and win, you'll see!"
Sure enough that is just what they did~
Tegan came up to bat and his girls were right there to cheer him on!
Go Papa!
Did he disappoint them?
A big homer for Layla Lynn!
The crowd goes CRAZY!

Tegan's team wins by 3 runs! Woo Hoo... Free Season coming up!
Congrats Tegan! It was fun to watch him play again! Lesjak Planning, of course is the big sponsor of the team!