Friday, February 10, 2012

For my cousins...

Layla wanted to write a post to Sarah, Molly, Cayden and Mya, her cousins!
Hey you guys...
I like to read books just like you do!

This is a really, really good one!

I am learning lots of new words just like you Mya!

Books make me laugh!

I am having fun with our Meme here!

I showed Meme how I can ride on my Dora car!

I can go so, so fast!

I love to find new things to play with every day!
Sometimes, I put things in my mouth that don't belong there!!

But don't worry, Meme took them away from me!

This is a fun toy you sent to me!

i love to open the door and play with the shapes inside!

Do you remember this toy?

I love it!

I can stack them too, see?
I love you and miss you~
I can't wait till Florida time
when we can all play together!
Layla Bug