Cayden and his sister Mya are also getting into the Holiday Spirit! Cayden watched The Polar Express with his Papa last night and again this morning with his Momma! Bridget gave him a little bell with red string and he put it right to his ear and said
Look out Danny, Cayden may just love this movie as much as you... he even tried to "catch" the ticket!!
Cayden .... I could not love this little boy more ~
The stockings are hung... but wait, something is different! This year I found these great HUGE stockings ~ Oh my~
My whole family fit on two of them. Since I have no mantel to hang them all, this seemed like a great idea~ We will see how everyone takes the fact that they may get less in their stockings than before!
Sarah is ready for the fun to begin! She is on vacation from Kindergarten and is selling her Girl Scout cookies like a mad woman! She would like to sell 500 boxes~ WHAT? Dream Big Little Girl!
Only 2 days left till Christmas!
Tegan, Kelley, and Layla celebrated at Kelley's Moms house last night! They will spend some of Christmas Day at Kelley's Aunt Helen's~ I am happy to know they have each other and some family there to make the Holiday bright... I will post pictures of their day as soon as I have some!!