Tegan, Layla and I headed to Breckenridge to see Uncle Danny!
Layla just loves him~ but it took her a few minutes to warm up!
Then she was all smiles!
Tegan and Dan...
The Lost Boys~
They are such actors~
No... just kidding!
Tegan and Layla snuggle!
Layla's papa takes a nap!
Koma was happy to see us too!
Isn't she darling?
Layla brought her house and princesses with her!
Meme and Layla ride up the mountain to watch her daddy/papa and Uncle
Danny ride down!
We stay inside nice and cozy while Dan and Tegan hit the slopes~
we can see the board park right out this window!
While we wait to get a text they are coming down~
we play!
Then we watch!
"There's a princess in a tower!"
Break time!
Back down we go!
Pretty bug in her hippy skirt!
I love this boy~
Kayla and Koma liked to play with Layla!
We stayed two nights~
Then it was time to head back to Grand Junction!
The Lost Boys didn't get much footage~ mountain
was overcast and windy both days!
But everyone sure had fun!
I love spending time with my boys~ and their loves!