I swore after we drove down our first "girls" only Easter trip that I would NEVER drive it again. You know young people... Let's drive straight through, they say! We did it then but I thought I was going to die. It was torture. We tried it again this year and even Beckie gave in and we did stop and sleep in a hotel for a few hours!! Beckie's friend Gina and her mom, also MiMi, were hot on our tails (about an hour behind us) so we had a schedule to keep!! Gina had her sons Ryan, 5 and Jack, 2 , also with her in their car. All the kids did really, really well!
There was much EXCITEMENT in our car when we hit the Florida state line!! Wooo Hoooo!!!
Congratulations to Matt and Katie... Meigan and Dennis!! Meigan, you are one lucky Nanna!!