Thursday, March 22, 2012

Camo boy!

Cayden and Mommy came into town yesterday to 
pick up his new "camo" orthotics for his feet!
He choose camo and they really look cute!
They are low profile on his ankle so that if he falls
they would not cause a fracture to his upper legs.
He needs these for support of his feet since Dr. Ballock
cannot do surgery because of Cayden's lack ligaments 
due to his OI.  
He is not too thrilled with these and says, "they hurt"
but we must be insistent that he wear them!
It is amazing how is walk pattern changes when they are on!

Poor little guy~ having to deal with 2 issues!
Club feet and OI
He is one tough little boy!

Today Molly came to play.
We have two new friends...
Ken and Barbie
or as Molly likes to call them
Carson and Kristin!
They were ready to swim so 
Molly set them up in the kitchen sink~
They really made a big splash!
After swimming, she treated Kristin to a shampoo!

But then Carson wanted in on the action too!
He was so embarrassed I saw him that he
took a nose dive into the pool!
Guess who is coming to Florida with us?

That's right~
Carson and Kristin!