Friday, February 25, 2011


Flight 394 on USA 3000 was a bit SCARY this morning! I left Fort Myers Florida this morning at 6 am bound for Cleveland. The lady in line behind me, dropping off her elderly mother says to me... "My husband is a pilot and he says United has canceled all flights out of Cleveland this morning." She was wondering how USA 3000 was going to fly right into Cleveland. Well, we didn't exactly fly right into Cleveland. We spent about 40 minutes in some very turbulent air. People were getting sick, kids were screaming, with every dip and drop! The pilot says to us... " We may head to Columbus or Cincinnati. Cleveland has one runway shut down with a disabled plane and the other we could use is down while plows clear the snow. We will slow down and see if it gets re opened in the next 15 minutes! GREAT! Cleveland cleared that runway and we did finally land~ a very, very, scary landing! One followed with clapping from all the relieved passengers!

Last Thursday as I sat at the Cleveland airport, my flight on USA 3000 was late. It arrived and had some switch problems. We sat and waited and waited some more. The 7:40 pm flight was delayed. People got angry. The attendant made a pa announcement calling her airline "A Discount Airline" ~ suggesting we should all just be quiet and accept the fact there was nothing at all we or they could do for us. They did fly a jet in from St Louis, empty, for us to get to Fort Myers. We left Cleveland at 4 am and got to Florida at 7 am~ What a crazy night!! I did have a blast with new friends~ Joan, Kathy, MaryBeth, Gina and Angelina!! Thanks for making the hours fly by with lots of laughter! I may NEVER fly USA 3000 again!

This morning, I left this behind...
and came home to this...
But that's ok... He is here too!!