It was a teacher work day for Sarah and Molly today
so I got to spend the day with my girls while Beckie
ran some errands. I was busy doing Music In Motion
so the girls joined me at school and then I took
them to the rec center playground for some fun!
My Sarah is getting so camera shy...
See the face that says...
Stop It Meme!
I explained that I just love taking pictures for her
because I just love her so much!!
Molly on the other hand is happy to oblige...
These girls...
No one at my school could believe how big they
have both grown!
Last Wednesday, Dave, Dennis, Meig and I took a limo
to the Jason Mraz concert at Blossom~
What a fun night it was...
Meig and I ran into this adorable Justin Beiber look alike~ Zach.
How cute is this kid? He was in line in front of us to
buy a shirt and we, well, I struck up a conversation with
him about his hair! He was Mr. Personality! I snapped the picture
of him with Meigan to trick Sarah and Molly~
Girls... Did you believe Meme really saw Justin Beiber?
Tegan called me as we were walking back to the guys
and I might have had a little too much wine in the limo ~ two glasses~
because after a few minutes, I totally stopped dead in my tracks and hollered,
totally panicked
to Meigan...
Meig, who is ever so patient with me, said...
What an idiot!
Won't even tell you what Tegan said on the other end of the phone!