So exciting!
Lacey and her Mom the morning of Kai's birth.
Lacey's 4th baby boy...
Sweet as can be
Mommy and Kai
Danny's Boy
Kai looks so much like his Daddy
Lesjak ears... can't be denied!!
This is so precious to me!
I've watch Danny become a step-Daddy to Lacey's
children over the last year and a half~ He shows so much
love to her children! I alway knew he would make a good
father one day. I'm very proud of the man he has become.
Kai Marley
Daddy and Kai bonding~
Kai meets his Grandma Yvette~
So special will their bond be!
Danny, Lacey and Maddi~
Maddi is just so full of love for her family. She is 13 and just the
sweetest girl!
This is LOVE!
Maddi and Kai
I've been keeping busy painting Kai's Fox ~
...It is a work in progress~ wait for it!
I have painted two other but just not happy with them!
I'll get it done before I head to meet my little Fox!