So, we started with this landscape... just some flower beds with a rock walkway. We hang a hammock between the left tree and the threesome set of trees. The back of the land slopes down to the water basin below to the right. Then...

with some strong men... Dave, Dan, Cyle, and Donny (not pictured) :-(, the work began. Digging out stumps, hauling pavers, shoveling rock, etc!

Even Bob got into the action. Hey...What is Dave doing in this picture?? Anyway...

Things start to take shape. Beds are outlined ... fire pit spot is chosen....

Plants and fountain purchased! Ready to finish up!

I just love it! So relaxing hearing this fountain. We will finish up soon and I will share the rest of the pictures!! Thanks to my husband, my son, my son-in-laws, and Bob!!
it looks great! good thing you're surrounded by strong men. :-)
Looks so great! Can't wait to see it in person.
By the way, I LOVE my ring, and so does everyone else that sees it. Thanks for being so sweet and wonderful!
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