Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday Treats!

One cute picture from yesterday... Cayden and his Daddy reading a fabulous book together!! Cayden really had to get a better look at the monkey in the picture!!

Of course, I must mention that one of Tuesdays Treats is the great way I feel after Monday Yoga class with Dagmara!  Class is every Monday at Meigan's, where we have the beautiful Lake Erie as a backdrop, at 6 pm.  Join us!! Cost is $10 per person.  Dagmara is just the best instructor!
We have been practicing with her for months now and we are all impressed with how we have improved!  
Well, until she had us "FLIP OUR DOG"  WHAT???

We had some special guests join us for the end of our class... Danny Warkin and his sister Emily!   Here is Aunt Katie, the bride to be, helping Danny strike a pose with his grandma Meigan!

Have a lovely Tuesday... find some treats for yourself!


keli [at] kidnapped by suburbia said...
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keli [at] kidnapped by suburbia said...

If I lived closer, I would SO be there! I love yoga but have to do it on my own since local classes are never at a time where I can get away from Emma.

These pictures are already making me feel more limber and relaxed. :)

Have a great day!

Katypie said...

Wow Mama Diana! Looks like lots of fun - wish I lived a tad closer! :0)