We had a absolute blast! Everyone was willing to make a fool of himself or herself so it made for a real riot of laughs!! Check out our pictures...
Band mates... Marty and Dennis sing.
Kathy tries her best to distract Gary during the "Guys vs. Girls" portion of the night. Girls totally rocked and won that challenge!!
Teammates, Kathy, Gary, Dave and Mike!
We had dancers.... Mary Annis and Meigan show us how to do it 60's style!
We had singers... Mary Annis, Meigan, Kathy and Kathy belting it out for our listening pleasure!
Mike just ruled on lead guitar, Gary and Dennis could really NOT hit the high notes, Meigan and I were really not much better!!
So much fun for such Oldies but Goodies.
All you need is LOVE.

And some earplugs!!
Yea Yea Yea
Thanks Dennis and Meig!
Let's all stick with our chosen careers...K?

Looks like you guys had a blast!
That looks like HUGE fun.
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