Friday, February 19, 2010

Ride the Wonder Wheel...

Last Saturday, Dave and I took Sarah, Molly, Bridget and Cayden to the Home & Garden show at the expo center. They have a huge ferris wheel that travels around, up and right out of the building thru a glass enclosure!! So fun to ride! We sang Cherl Crow's song "Wonder Wheel", ok, maybe just I sang Wonder Wheel...

"Ride the Wonder Wheel...
It goes round and round, it goes UP... and it goes DOWN.
how I love all the sights and all the sounds...
riding on ... THE WONDER WHEEL!

Cayden had some fun sliding in the playground set up! The girls loved climbing all over them too!
Bridget and I ended up sitting and eating ice cream while Papa traveled the aisles, checking out decking, pool liners and such.
You scream, I scream, We all scream for Ice Cream! We were all pretty worn out after this excursion! I am in FLORIDA!! The Desperate Housewives have landed!

1 comment:

Katypie said...

I was at the I-X Center a couple weeks ago for the motorcycle show and wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel... but it was about 2 degrees outside and was afraid it'd be too cold! Looks like you guys had fun!!