Thursday, June 10, 2010


So happy to be home. Yesterday, last night was just awful. I got home at about about 2:30, I think, No Dave. He was golfing, somewhere. I know he told me but I could not remember what he had said since he is in so many tournaments in the next few days... they all run together!! I spent the afternoon and evening alone. Feeling really tired and exhausted. I think the last few days really caught up with me. I watched tv, talked on the phone, cried, texted Bridget, cried some more. Then Dave made it home and gave me a good hug. I think we were prepared to hear what we heard but it still hit me like a ton of bricks last night while I was alone. All I can say is I love that little boy more than words could ever tell you. And my girl Bridget Diana.

What's going on now?

Starting to pack for this boy's wedding...
We leave for Colorado on Wednesday! We can not wait, not only for the wedding fun, but also for the family time together with Tegan and Kelley! Hollar for your Dollar!!! Pack your singles people! Need I say more?

Beckie, Donny, Sarah and Molly move into this house on Tuesday!! They will move some things that day and sleep over night and get to the airport for Denver in the am on Wednesday. They will have to wait a week, while at the wedding, to move everything!! They are beyond excited.
But for today.... maybe these little friends will come by Meme's house! After all, I do have a pool!


Roxi's Reasons... said...

I can't imagine how tired you all must be after your trip to canada! It was definitely a BIG trip ! Glad you can get caught up a bit before the wedding ! It won't be long and we all get to celebrate such a special time for your family !!! Can't wait !

Beckie said...

Can't wait to come to the pool tomorrow!

Chris said...

All I have to say is.... You are awesome!

Have a safe trip!

Can't wait to see the wedding fun!