"When you are at ...um... where Meme?"
Sarah said "WORK, Molly"
Molly said, " Oh yeah, work, then you can think of me, Ok? Meme"
Sarah was busy doing art work!
She is the sweetest thing!! She then made 2 necklaces, one for her and one for Molly. She cut a paper heart in half with BEST FRIENDS written on it! She loves her sister Molly!
Can't wait to finish projects... We are also making something special for Roxi's daughter Missy, who we are having a baby shower for, on the 18th, and something for the newest little Ward baby... so much to do... so little time!

Looking forward to seeing the results if your creativity!
You busy little bee ! So full of love and surprises !!
Your little gems get such lessons of love and generosity from you ! Love you !!!
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