Saturday, November 13, 2010

30 Days of Thanks~ #13 ~ Danny & Dagmara

My son Danny and his fiance, Dagmara!
Danny and Dagmara on Fourth of July, in 2009 ~ Posing for my camera! They are enjoying their engagement as we wait for the date to be set!

Dan loves to stop over during his lunch and he always says "YES" to the girls when they ask him to dance with them!
Dagmara reading to Miss Molly!

The cute little couple... cozy at my house. They are "parents" to 2 pit bulls, adorable little puppies named Kayla and Calvin. Dagmara share tales of the pups on her blog: Dagmara ~ look there for some really cute pictures!Dan and Dagmara in Colorado for Tegan's wedding.

Tegan, Dag, and Danny. They love to fly to Colorado and enjoy the wonderful skiing there! I love that they enjoy spending time with Tegan and Kelley. It's so nice to have a great place to stay on ski holidays!
I am THANKFUL for Danny and Dagmara. They are both adventurous and willing to try new things! Dan and Dag are thinking of moving... out west! What will I do then? For now, I am glad they live near by, that I can see them often and that Dagmara can continue to be our fabulous Monday night yoga teacher!! I just won't think about them moving...


ShEiLa said...

What a lovely couple!


Roxi's Reasons... said...

Dag and Dan are such a cute couple ! I can understand your not wanting to think about them moving....but take comfort in knowing that" home will always be where family is !