Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Good Golly Miss Molly!

This tiny girl makes me so proud!

We enjoyed a Group Lesson Spring Recital at
Miss Molly's house!  Normal lessons are one on one, private, so the kids
really love the group lessons that happen twice a year!
 The children all take their shoes off
when the come in the door for lessons.
Miss Molly, at the piano above, has such a passion 
for teaching violin~ the children love her!

I waited till Molly was done playing her two songs before I 
snapped my picture~ I caught Molly just before her big smile erupted!

They played a little game with paper flowers.
Each child picked one from a basket and then Miss Molly
would read what the "game" was and the children
would try it!  The flowers said things like "bow holds", "ladders", "kangaroos"
and "sirens"!

Here they are doing SIRENS and Kangaroos... which are fun exercises for them all!!
Be warned!

We drove to Oberlin, where Miss Molly lives for this lesson.

Beckie, Molly and Sarah
ready to walk to Miss Molly's house!

Sarah is very proud of Molly too!

Beckie's girls...

Miss Molly has a nice porch swing
where we waited for the group before us to 
finish inside!

Molly, looking a bit nervous before we go inside~

She had nothing to worry about because she loves Miss Molly and
she was ready to perform!

Our little Molly has even
inspired others to want to play the violin~
Check this out!

1 comment:

Meigan said...

What a great experience Miss Molly is giving to everyone... God bless her and her students!!!! I think Cayden may have some talent there too!!!