Friday, August 31, 2012

How's it going at school~

I had a chat with Molly yesterday before school
and I asked her what her favorite thing about
kindergarten was...
She said "riding the bus!"
I love this girl!

Cayden is so excited everyday,
asking Mommy, "Is tomorrow the day I go to school?"
He is delighting all his teachers and aides~ he is Mr. Personality!
On the last two school days, Mommy and Daddy have had to get on the 
bus and WAKE him up to get off the bus!

Sarah says school is "Great"...
But she was more interested in telling me she has
started a "Bike Club"
" We will ride our bikes one mile, that's 20 times around my garage
Meme, we will do it in 5 minutes and we all will
have notebooks and pencils to keep track of our times!"

Don't you just love her?  She listed all the friends she is
inviting, including her sister "of course" and told
me the first day will be this Saturday!
What a fun CLUB to be a part of!

Maybe I should join?


NanaDiana said...

Oh- I am delighted to have found your blog. Love all the kid talk. Aren't they fun? Can you imagine riding around and around in the garage that many times? lol My oldest daughter used to set up chairs in our garage and made the neighbor kids pay a quarter to sit there and watch HER skate! AND they paid!!! xo Diana

ps. I am your newest follower-

NanaDiana said...

Hey- Where is your follow button? I can't find a way to sign up to follow-

ShEiLa said...

They sure seem to be loving school and the social life it brings... maybe even wearing Mister Cayden right out.


Roxi's Reasons... said...

Such a fun update ....I'm always thinking about your wonderful GEMS and wonder how their new school adventures have been going. And Sarah...I just love how she's always got such fun ideas - and is such an organizer ! Miss them all !