Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Simple pleasures~

While Bridget ran into her fun store... Victoria's Secret,
Cayden Molly, Sarah and I walked around the mall.
Mya stayed home with Papa to take her nap!

Thank goodness Sarah had her purse
which was full of quarters!
Quarters she readily shared with her sister and cousin!

Molly got some peanut m&m's

Cayden choose Mike & Ike's

Sarah picked plain m&m's!

She then treated herself, Molly and Cayden to rides~

How fun!

Even my Layla bug was having a treat
from her Aunt Tammi!
I want to be where she is...

1 comment:

Meigan said...

We always want to be where we aren't--- enjoy where you are- you are the best!!!!