Monday, July 28, 2014

And then... THIS HAPPENED!

Our Sarah Rose took a tumble off her bike 
on the gravel driveway at her house.
The knee was looking bad and Beckie decided to take
her to the local hospital to have it cleaned out and possible stitches.

They took an x-ray, cleaned it up and put in a few stitches.
All on a Saturday night.

By Sunday afternoon, Sarah was in a lot of pain.  She had trouble walking on her leg, and
she was running a fever.  Beckie kept her home on Monday and went to the pediatricians office
only to be told to get in the car and go directly to Fairview ER and have
an orthopedic Doctor look at Sarah's knee.  BAD INFECTION~
But our girl was such a trooper~
Dr took another x-ray and came in to report 
that not only was there a FRACTURE in her knee, there were 12
pieces of stone still in the wound.
Sarah was sent to Cleveland Clinic by ambulance to be under the care
of Infectious Disease Doctors as well as an orthopedic doc.

Off she went...

Once at the Cleveland Clinic, it was decided she needed surgery to clean the wound
and have a "vac" attached to suck the infection out.  The doctors could not believe
the small hospital had closed the wound in the first place.
Here she is, still smiling, after surgery on Tuesday morning.

She was told she would have to stay at least one week, on antibiotics and would
have to have another surgery on the following Saturday to remove the vac.

She was so sad to have to miss her last week of school.
Sarah is one very dedicated and serious student.
Her teacher sent her a pup...
knowing how our girl loves dogs!
Her classmates all made cards!
Her room was decorated with LOVE~
Notice the PARTY in her hair... 
A joke for Meme~ would I notice her whacky hairdo?

Friends and family sent her some fun gifts too!

Molly loved visiting her sister!

A sweet therapy dog came by for a visit too!

I made sure Sarah had some great reading material!

All the staff and Doctors were so great to Sarah!
Dr Ballock, who happened to be Cayden ortho doc was the one assigned
to do Sarah's surgery~ we all knew we were in the BEST hands!

By Weds, Sarah was up in a chair~ enjoying a little craft 
therapy!  Art is another of her favorite things!

Wheelchair rides to the roof provided a welcome change of 

Even Nurses not assigned to her room would come in and say
how sweet she was and that they wished she were their patient!!

Each day she was feeling better and better~
happy to be off pain meds that made her 
"not feel like" herself!

Then came Friday and approval to get up and do some 
hopping around on crutches!
Someone had to drag the vac along behind her tho!

Sarah was happy to dress in her own clothes too!

Once she had surgery to remove the vac on Sat, she was ready to go HOME!
Infectious Disease Drs. wanted her to stay the weekend but
Dr. Ballock said "NO WAY,  Sarah can go home on oral 
antibiotics!!  She was so glad he got his way and she went home!!

After a week at home, she went camping with her Mommy and she slipped and ripped
her stitches open~  YIKES
Oberlin Hospital did not want to restitch, after hearing the story of her infection but
again Dr. Ballock comes thru.  Beckie called his cell and he told them to re stitch and they did.
Not as well as Dr. Ballock stitches... as you can see in this sweet collage Sarah put together
after she got home!!

Top picture... Original injury.
Left bottom... Dr. Ballocks work after 2nd surgery to remove vac
Right bottom... Oberlin Er stitches... not so pretty!

Sarah had those stitches in for 3 more weeks~
She went to see Dr. Ballock and Infectious Disease Dr. once a week
during those 3 weeks.

Finally by June 24th stitches and Dr. visits were done!

What an ordeal it was.
The first hospital will certainly not be seeing any payment
for services rendered... as both other hospitals could not 
believe they closed that wound with stones still inside~ they stated that 
had they taken another x-ray before sending her home they would have seen
the mess still in there!   Sarah was lucky that the infection did not go into the bone~
Beckie will not be going back to that hospital ER~
even tho it's close to her home.

I am just glad my Rosie girl is all better~


Carrie said...

Goodness! I am glad everything turned out ok. She is a trooper.

ShEiLa said...

Oh my goodness sakes!!!! This story is awful! I am so glad they caught it and fixed it properly. Sarah looks like a tried and true trooper.

I have so much trouble with my knee still more than a year after my fall visiting in Indiana.... When you hear a story like this.... Wow!

Elling Family said...

She must have been doing some pretty wicked stunts on that bike to get such a wound!! ;} Sounds like quite an ordeal……glad she's doing better!!