Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday~ July 10th 2009

First, let me start by THANKING Roxi!  Roxi bought me a 4 leaf clover for my pandora bracelet just because SHE SAYS SHE IS "JUST THAT KIND OF LUCKY"  Click on that for more info about that line!!  I love you Roxi and I AM THAT KIND OF LUCKY AGAIN!!
Tegan and Kelley called today from Colorado to ask about flowers for their wedding!! Yes, they were at a florist already getting all set for their upcoming wedding in June 2010!  A bride and groom on the ball... getting it done!!  Gotta love that... and I love them!

Oh me, Oh my...someone had a BIRTHDAY TODAY!  Happy birthday Debo!   Deb is the kind of girl who would do ANYTHING for you, all you have to do is ask!  She is the best~est ever! And yes, I love her too!!
A really big, big, milestone in Sarah Rose's little life!!  Beckie has been working with her to swim with NO WINGS ~~ Look Mommy... I can do it!!  SO EXCITING!  Now we just have to get her to put her face under the water and LOOKOUT~ there will be NO STOPPING HER!

Then, no to be outdone by her OLDER SISTER... Little Molly just jumped off the ladder... no wings... and tried swimming all by herself!  She loved it!
High Five for trying~~ But its wings all the way for this sweet babe.!!  I love them too!!
Sarah sat her "Friends" near by so they could WATCH her swim!!

Ryan, Cayden and Sarah also love the new BOAT!  It is so fun to ride and capture dolphins in it!
"Thanks for getting me this Mem" says Sarah!  

1 comment:

Roxi's Reasons... said...

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. I predict lots of sunny days ahead for you ! You are truly loved! Thank you sweet friend !