Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hey Gems~ Did You Know...

Facebook can be a wonderful thing! Dave doesn't think so but I really think if it is used properly, you can connect with so many people and friends! I was sent a friend request by a girl named Cindy. Umm, couldn't really place her face so I checked to see who her friends were, if it was anyone I knew. It was ... 2 of Dave's relatives, cousins! So I accepted. I looked on her page and at her photos and then it hit me! Cindy is Dave's cousin, her Mom and his Mom, Gertie, were sisters! Next thing I know she is posting all these great pictures from the past!!

This first picture is Cliff, Aunt Doris, Laura, Dave, Cindy's Mom Edith, Cindy, Brett and Beth! All first cousins! Just look at Dave... Adorable! We have that leg brace to this very day! Gems~ Doris and Edith were GG's sisters!

Dave's Grandma Florence, GG's momma, holding him with his sister Lynn on the left and his sister Judy on the right! I can really see the Lesjak resemblance between my girls and my gems with Lynn! She would be your great, great grandmom!

Lynn, Dave, Jim, holding Cliff and Brett! This is taken in the house where Dave grew up! His parents sold it in 1975! Dave and I bought it back in 1979~ 6 months before we were married! It just happened to be for sale! Oh the memories of that little bungalow in Fairview Park! Hey Sarah, Molly, Cayden and Mya~ your Moms were born while we lived in that very house!

Dave's sisters standing next to this truck in the summer of 1960! Cousins Jim and Christine with them!

Dave's big sisters, Judy and Lynn! How cute were they?
How fun to look back in time! Cayden will see Papa had some trouble with bad bones as well~ but he never let it stop him from doing anything at all! He will be a good example for you to follow in your life, Cayden!


Bacardi Mama said...

That is so cool. I have found some old friends on Facebook, but not any family I didn't already keep in touch with.

ShEiLa said...

I love being able to get my hands on old photos... especially ones that I have never seen before.

Thanks for sharing. I am sure your family will love seeing them.
