Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wishbone Day~

Bridget wrote a wonderful post about Cayden that I want to share! We are excited to be about to celebrate a BREAK~FREE YEAR! So awesome!

Read all about it HERE!


Melissa Swartley said...

AWESOME! So glad to hear he has been break free for a year! That's truly wonderful!!! Yep, that's Sonya in the video, standing up free style for the first time without holding on to a single thing! It's been a rough year for her but we just keep on keeping on! I can't wait to celebrate a year free of fractures with her! We are officially 2 months break free tomorrow, the longest she has EVER gone without a break! :)

Roxi's Reasons... said...

Beautiful post ! Incredible little family !

ShEiLa said...

Perfect name for a celebration.

I am so happy for Cayden and the entire family. Yahoo!!!

I wish it could be a break from the worry as well... that has to be the hardest part along with seeing your child suffer.
